WAP Webinars

Discover a world of knowledge and expertise with our webinars! At NASCSP, we’re passionate about bringing you the most engaging and informative sessions across a diverse range of Weatherization-related topics.

Browse our members-only library of webinars by topic to find exactly what you’re interested in.

How SERC BIL Funding Opportunities Can Enhance WAP
January 31, 2024 | Recording | Slides
Would you like to include solar technologies in your weatherization program? Do you wish you could install enhanced measures that would deliver benefits to clients but might be slightly over the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) requirement of 1.0? Now is your opportunity, with Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers (SERC) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding, to install innovative technologies and renewable energy systems. SERC grants move the Weatherization Assistance Program forward through technology and maximize energy burden reduction for low-income households. SERC BIL makes $70 million in funding available to incorporate materials, benefits, and renewable and domestic energy technologies not traditionally included in WAP.
Presenters: Amy Klusmeier &  Katy Kujawski, DOE; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP
Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

DOE BIL Planning and BIL Workbook Training Webinar

July 19, 2022  Slides | Recording | Poll Summary

The U.S. Department of Energy conducted a training webinar of the $3.5B in BIL funding. The training focused on the BIL implementation overview, the phased release of funds and corresponding requirements, considerations for BIL planning and an overview of the BIL Planning Workbook. NASCSP facilitated question and answers with DOE following the presentation.

Presenters: Katherine Kujawski, DOE; Erica Burrin, DOE; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

WPN BIL 22-1, 22-2 Training Webinar

April 20,2022 | Slides | Recording

NASCSP in partnership with DOE conducted a training on the WPN BIL 22-1 and WPN 22-2 which provided instruction for the application requirements for the $3.5B in BIL funding. NASCSP reviewed the BIL application timeline and collected questions from the membership which DOE answered live during the training.

Presenters: Jonathan Ballew, NASCSP;  Erica Burrin, Derek Schroeder, and Floris Weston, DOE.

Audience: State WAP Managers and Subgrantees

J40 and WAP Allocation Formula

December 8, 2022 | Recording | Slides

NASCSP, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) host a training webinar to discuss data factors that state Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) offices can use in allocating funds to local agencies. A variety of online and interactive tools will be demonstrated to help state offices identify relevant data characteristics, including: income, climate, demographic factors, energy costs, housing stock characteristics, disadvantaged communities, and more. Webinar attendees will gain an understanding of the data and tools available, how and when they are most appropriate to use, and the potential impacts new data may have on funding allocations.

Presenters: Alison Moe, NREL; Chelsea Mervenne, DOE; Kathy Rulli, PA WAP; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

Davis Bacon Training #1

October 14, 2022 | Recording | Slides

NASCSP and the program staff from the U.S. Department of Labor conducted a training webinar on Davis Bacon compliance as it relates to Multifamily units in the BIL.

An overview of the Davis-Bacon Act is provided along with compliance requirements for the Grantee.

Presenters: Nicole Collins and Meghan Vesper, U.S. Department of Labor; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

NEPA and Historic Preservation Training

October 4, 2022 |  Recording | Slide Deck 1Slide Deck 2

NASCSP hosted a training webinar for important updates on the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) from the U.S. Department of Energy, NEPA Compliance Specialist, Diana Heyder and members of the DOE WAP.

Presenters: Diana Heyder, DOE; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

DOE Reporting Update

September 20, 2022 | Recording | Slides

As a follow-up to the 2Q2022 DOE Reporting webinar held with Grantees and Subgrantees, DOE will conduct an update to provide a more detailed overview of the reporting forms prior to the public comment period.

Presenters: Erica Burrin & Amy Klusmeier, DOE; Aimee Gendusa-English, NCAP; & Jonathan Ballew, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees and WAP Subgrantees

Weatherization Readiness Fund Webinar

June 22, 2022 | Slides  | Recording

The PY '22 appropriation from Congress included $15 Million for Weatherization Readiness Funding. WPN 22-6 provided further guidelines and requirements for the use of these funds. This webinar will discuss the required submission of the WRF plan, implications for NEPA and SHPO compliance, as well as examples of coordination of WRF funds with existing deferral reduction programs.

Please see the DOE correction on SHPO’s Ground Disturbance Definition 

Presenters: Jonathan Ballew, Andrea Schroer, NASCSP ; Mary Meunier, Wisconsin WAP; Felix Vazquez-Guemarez, DOE

Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

2020 WAP Reauthorization Bill

January 5, 2021 | Slides| Recording

With the signing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 into law in December 2020, the Weatherization Assistance Program has received congressional reauthorization as well as several significant policy changes. This webinar covers the basics of the bill and what reauthorization means, including programmatic changes and the new innovation program.

  • Presenter: Ian Gray, NASCSP Legislative & Communications Analyst
  • Audience: WAP Grantee Administrators, WAP/LIHEAP subgrantees

Weatherization Day Video Challenge Kickoff

May 26, 2022 |Video Challenge Storyboard Handout | Video Consent-Form | Slides | Recording

We're challenging you to create a 1-3 minute video about WAP in your state. We want to hear from state offices, clients, local agencies, and more. Help us highlight your great work on innovative projects, workforce initiatives, contractor and client success stories. We want to learn what you're excited about and share these good stories! We'll be using these videos to show off the amazing work around the country on Weatherization Day and at the Annual Conference too! We're kicking off this new Video Challenge with a webinar about storytelling through video on May 26th, 1-2 pm ET. We will share resources, tools, and ideas for making your own 1-3 minute video. Whether you enjoy broad support in your state or are still building awareness around WAP we want you to share your voice. Participating in this challenge will help build support for WAP at every level from local all the way to federal!
Submit your videos here!

Presenters: Britt Pomush, NASCSP

Audience: State WAP Managers

2020 WAP Reauthorization Bill

January 5, 2021 | Slides| Recording

With the signing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 into law in December 2020, the Weatherization Assistance Program has received congressional reauthorization as well as several significant policy changes. This webinar covers the basics of the bill and what reauthorization means, including programmatic changes and the new innovation program.

  • Presenter: Ian Gray, NASCSP Legislative & Communications Analyst
  • Audience: WAP Grantee Administrators, WAP/LIHEAP subgrantees

PY 2023 State Plan Development Training

January 12, 2023 | Recording | SlidesPoll Summary

NASCSP and DOE staff discussed the changes in the State Planning process that Grantees will need to know to submit their PY '23 Plans. We reviewed changes to WPN 23-1 and the associated application and ALRD along with helpful strategies for program management and optimizing your budget categories.

Presenters: Amanda Rains, Derek Schroeder, & Amy Klusmeier, DOE; Jeff Heino, WAP Program Chair ; Andrea Schroer, Jonathan Ballew, & Britt Pomush, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

PY 2022 State Plan Development Training

January 6, 2022 | Slides | Recording

NASCSP hosted a webinar to assist our State Members with the Annual Planning process. NASCSP staff discussed the guidance released this past year that will have an effect on the Annual Plan and tips to make the application process run smoothly. DOE was live to answer questions.

Presenters: Jonathan Ballew, Andrea Schroer

Audience: State WAP Managers

PY 2021 State Plan Development

January 5, 2021 | Slides| Recording

This webinar includes a review of DOE Weatherization Program Guidance required to navigate the WAP State Plan submission and approval process.

Changes in WPN 21-1 related to combining program years and the recommended use of Optional Budget Categories as an ACPU reduction strategy are reviewed.

NASCSP will also highlight several updated templates from DOE for required plan components including Health & Safety, T&TA and Monitoring.

Jeff Heino, WAP Program Chair will review five successful strategies for state plan submission.

  • Presenters: Jeff Heino, NASCSP WAP Program Chair, and Andrea Schroer, NASCSP WAP Director
  • Audience: WAP Grantee Administrators

Weatherization Assistant v 10 -Considerations for Managers and Administrators

June 28, 2023 | Recording | Slides

Weatherization Assistant Version 10 adds both security and access opportunities for WAP implementers. This session explores the impact of the increased security and access, and discusses key considerations for WAP Managers and Administrators as they plan out the transition to, and use of, Weatherization Assistant Version 10.

Presenters:  Bill Eckman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Jonathan Ballew (NASCSP)

Audience:  Grantees, Subgrantees, Training Centers, National partners, etc

Handouts: Example User Heirarchy, Example WAv10 Conversion Timeline, Library Maintenance Plan Template, & Web-based Weatherization Assistant Getting Started Guide - March 2023

WAP Data Management System RFP Webinar

June 17, 2021SlidesRecording | Project Charter Template

This training is meant to illustrate the scope of acquiring a data management system from a Project Management perspective. The process will be broken down into 5 phases.

Presenters: Jonathan Ballew

Audience: State WAP Managers

WAP Program Year 2019 Funding Survey Webinar

February 11, 2021 | Slides | Recording

This webinar was recorded following the release of the Program Year 2019 Funding Report to provide a high-level summary of the key data and trends. The report itself as well as the funding data dashboard shown in the presentation can be accessed here.

Presenters: Ian Gray, NASCSP Legislative & Communications Analyst, and Paige Milson, NASCSP Policy Analyst

Audience: State WAP Managers

NREL Solar in WAP Progress and Updates

May 2, 2023 | Recording |Slides
Join NASCSP, NCAP and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for updates on the deployment of solar within the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). NREL shared current information about the updated DOE solar approval process in WPN 23-6, findings from the fall workshop on solar in weatherization, and next steps in implementation resources.
Presenters: Jeff Cook and Juliana Williams, NREL
Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

Delivering Low-Income Solar: Barriers and Opportunities

June 9, 2022 | Slides | Recording

NREL is undertaking a feasibility analysis of using WAP and LIHEAP funds for solar projects. WAP solar policies and characteristics are reviewed along with the process for securing DOE approval with a solar pilot. The webinar included discussion with Grantees and Subgrantees on the current barriers and challenges to implementing solar into WAP.

Presenters: Juliana Williams, NREL.

Audience: WAP Grantees and WAP Subgrantees.

Badges in the WAP 

June 1, 2023 | Recording| Slides

Join NASCSP, the MN Department of Commerce WAP, and Everblue as we explain how badges work, how MN is using them to train crews, and their potential impact for scaling up the workforce in response to IRA funding. It is difficult and expensive to send a crew member to multi-day training events due to the cost of training, travel, and lost production. In 2022, the MN Department of Commerce worked with Everblue to create 25 badges aligned with specific tasks performed in the field. This includes the implementation of a learning management system to track progress and provide additional training resources. By using this system, crew members can learn the basics of a specific task by watching a high-quality “how to” video from their phone in a few minutes.

Presenters: Emily Beltt, MN Department of Commerce WAP; Chris Boggiano, Everblue Training Institute; & Kye Garvin, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

Mitigating Barriers to Weatherization

July 12, 2022 Slides | Recording

We all recognize that WAP deferral issues are an enormous challenge! Learn about Connecticut’s funding and implementation of a barrier removal program and review the toolkit produced by E4TheFuture. Connect with your peers to learn about new ways to eliminate the barriers to Weatherization. Presenters from E4TheFuture, Energy Futures Group, and Tohn Environmental Strategies will highlight models for barrier mitigation in the WAP.

Presenters:  Tom McAteer (tmcateer@cmcenergy.com), CMC EnergyEllen Tohn (etohn@tohnenvironmental.com), Tohn Environmental StrategiesElizabeth Bourguet (ebourguet@energyfuturesgroup.com), Energy Futures GroupSteve Cowell (scowell@e4thefuture.org), E4TheFuture

Audience: WAP Grantees

How WAP Teams Deliver COVID Safe Energy Retrofits

November 24, 2020 | Slides | Recording

-This presentation showcases the enhanced COVID health and safety protocols that WAP staff and contractors now follow to ensure everyone, from residents of the homes to workers, is safe.
This webinar will be a brief overview in which you will learn how to appreciate and communicate how WAP meets the safety challenge in high-risk communities, how to distinguish between engineering controls and PPE, about cleaning versus sanitizing, how to make mask choices for different work and more. You will learn how the latest CDC, OSHA and WHO guidance has been adopted for WAP tasks in the 'field' conditions of the homes served. You will be prepared to explain the new WAP ways, to reassure the public about safety and to fully appreciate the effort of the WAP networks' skilled and adaptable workforce.
The short presentation will be followed with a discussion with the audience and these state and local experts on the new safety protocols and emerging issues.

  • Presenters: NASCSP, WAP Manager from NM, Subgrantee from SD, Educator from Santa Fe Community College
  •  Audience: State WAP Managers, WAP/LIHEAP subgrantees

WAP and AC Units

June 17, 2020 | Slides | Recording

-As we head into the warm months of summer, many states are interested in cooling programs, particularly because vulnerable individuals are spending more time in their homes due to COVID-19. Does your WAP currently replace central or window/room air conditioning units? In this webinar, four states with WAP programs that allow for the replacement and/or installation of AC units present about their specific program design (North Dakota, New Mexico, Tennesee, Rhode Island). These states use a mix of funding sources depending upon the structure of their program (DOE, LIHEAP, & Utility)

  • Presenters: NASCSP, WAP Managers from ND, NM, RI, and TN
  • Audience: State WAP Managers, State LIHEAP Managers, WAP/LIHEAP subgrantees

Connecting Up with Healthy Homes Projects in Your State

July 30, 2019 | Recording

  • Presenters: Bruce Hagen, Amy Klusmeier, and Eric Behna
  • Audience: State WAP Managers

Energy Audit and Special Material Approvals

July 25, 2019 | Recording

  • Presenters: NASCSP, John Larose, Scott KuhnState WAP Managers
  • Audience:State WAP Managers

WAP Training Requirements

April 23, 2019 | Recording

-Every aspect of your Weatherization operation contributes to the quality of your production work and your ability to meet all program targets successfully. This includes having staff in all job functions trained to the highest national standards. The Department of Energy's Quality Work Plan supports your staff on two fronts- comprehensive and specific training. Good to know, but what's the difference, and why does it matter? Understand the value of accredited comprehensive training, and how to communicate this with stakeholders.

  • Presenters: Anna Sullivan and Laure-Jeanne Davignon, Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)
  • Audience: State WAP Managers, Monitors & Staff; Subgrantee WAP Managers & Staff

Increasing Weatherization Capacity through Leveraging National Service

June 29, 2023 | Recording | Slides

Join NASCSP and NCAP as we host Service Year Alliance to talk about the recently released free Climate & Environmental Resilience Guide that aims to provide new resources that will enable stakeholders to expand and enhance service year programming (AmeriCorps, VISTA, etc.) and partnerships in areas that present opportunities for growth. In particular, the Energy Efficiency Roadmap linked within the guide provides a detailed overview of the ways in which service year programming can be leveraged to help advance weatherization and energy efficiency goals at the state and local level. Examples include partnering with service year programs to develop a talent pipeline; assist with community outreach, education, or client intake; assist with coordination and communication amongst partners; and increase WAP contractor capacity by assisting in entry-level WAP services. Join NASCSP, NCAP, NREL, Ampact, and Service Year Alliance to hear more about what is contained within this free resource as well as real-world examples of existing partnerships and opportunities.

Presenters: Brent Kossick, Service Year Alliance; Allison Moe, NREL; Dylan Kelly, Ampact

Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

Workforce Development Working Group Launches Wage Survey Tools

January 20, 2021 | Slides | Recording

NASCSP hosted a webinar with members of the workforce development working group to highlight wage surveys for recruitment and retention in the WAP. States are encouraged to access the Member Portal for the new wage survey templates and release the survey to your Subgrantees by February 15, 2021.

Presenters: Mick Prince, Geoff Wilcox, Wayne Hartel, and Andrea Schroer, NASCSP WAP Director

Audience: State WAP Managers