Racial Equity Work Group (REWG) Charter
NASCSP Racial Equity Group Charter 2021
2021 NASCSP Annual Training Conference Racial Equity Sessions
Let’s Talk About Race: The History of Systemic Racism in America | September 21, 2021
Whether you are talking about education, health, wealth building, politics, or mass incarceration and the criminal justice system, systemic racism has led to widespread disparities for communities of color. This session will explore and shed light on the prevailing, residual effects of systemic racism in America and offer insight on how to combat it.
The Intersectionality of Healing and Hurting | September 20, 2021
Have you ever had “one of those days?” There are times in this thing called “life” where dealing with all the responsibilities of adulting – going to work, paying bills, taking care of our families, and interacting with friends – can feel overwhelmingly burdensome. Layer that with the mental and physical stress of navigating a global pandemic and heightening racial tensions across the nation, and we are bound to feel socially and emotionally drained. Join us for motivational session on maintaining self-care while dealing with trauma.
REWG Statement Committee
This committee was formed to develop NASCSP’s statement on racial equity.
Committee Members: Jenae Bjelland, Paige Milson, Troy Cucchiara, Khari Grant, Amanda Rains, Leslie Taylor, and Matt Fitzgerald
REWG Webinar Committee
This committee was formed to develop resources and select speakers for NASCSP’s webinars on racial equity.
Committee Members: Jonathan Ballew, Muska Kamran, Angela Fraser, Karen Keith, Beverly Buchana, Lynette Praster, and Stephanie Insinna-Sahondo
Advancing Racial Equity by Creating Space | July 20, 2022 – Recording | Slides
NASCSP’s racial equity workgroup hosted a webinar discussion on community-level racial equity work. Angel Ampey (VA) and Stephanie Insinna-Sahondo (CO) shared their racial equity efforts and collaborative efforts at the community level and lessons learned.
How to Use Data to Identify Inequities | Aug. 10, 2021 – Recording
What data will help state office staff consider equity? We hear a lot these days about “structural inequities” that face the individuals, families and communities that are served with CSBG funds. We know that data elements to identify inequity can be found in the Community Needs Assessment and the Annual Report, but do we understand the relationship among the data that we have? What else do we need to explore? This workshop will offer suggestions about how CAA data could be analyzed to provide information for decision making. Participants will be asked to discuss how they might use data to help the local CAAs address the issues related to equity in their own communities, and how the state may use data to address equity broadly.