BIL Trainings and Webinars

Strengthening Our Workforce – The Critical Role of Wages in Weatherization
June 18, 2024 | Recording |Slides

Join us for the kickoff webinar as we launch the 2024 NASCSP Weatherization Workforce & Wage Survey. We’ll review findings from the 2021 survey, explore state-specific impacts, and highlight how survey participation supports workforce development and resource creation. Attendees will hear insights from National Partners and WAP Grantees, who will discuss the benefits and impact of participating in the survey. Expect to walk away with a better understanding on the importance of wage data and how it can benefit your organization.

Presenters: Geoff Wilcox, VT | Allison Moe, NREL | Christopher Small, NCAP | Pagan Poggione, IREC | Kye Garvin & Andrea Schroer, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

WRF Deferral Tracking Best Practices
April 30, 2024 | Recording | Slides

With new reporting requirements around the corner, it can be difficult to find the best methods for tracking and reporting deferrals. Join NASCSP and a panel of WAP Grantee Managers to take a glimpse at three different systems and how they track deferrals and report outcomes.

Presenters: Toni Broome-Smith, VT | Phil Crow, WI | Travis Ekenberg, AZ | Jonathan Ballew, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

Navigating Success: Career Paths in Weatherization
March 27, 2024 | Recording | Slides

Discover the transformative approach to team development and retention in the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). This webinar is designed to illuminate the benefits and impact of implementing a career path framework for WAP staff. NASCSP will guide you through using the Weatherization Career Path Toolkit to create visual career paths, enhancing your hiring strategy and staff engagement. Ideal for program directors, HR professionals, and anyone involved in enhancing their organization’s talent pool and operational efficiency in their weatherization program.

Presenters: Allison Moe, NREL | Kye Garvin, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

How SERC BIL Funding Opportunities Can Enhance WAP
January 31, 2024 | Recording | Slides
Would you like to include solar technologies in your weatherization program? Do you wish you could install enhanced measures that would deliver benefits to clients but might be slightly over the Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) requirement of 1.0? Now is your opportunity, with Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers (SERC) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding, to install innovative technologies and renewable energy systems. SERC grants move the Weatherization Assistance Program forward through technology and maximize energy burden reduction for low-income households. SERC BIL makes $70 million in funding available to incorporate materials, benefits, and renewable and domestic energy technologies not traditionally included in WAP.
Presenters: Amy Klusmeier &  Katy Kujawski, DOE; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP
Audience: WAP Grantees and Subgrantees

Davis Bacon Training #1

October 14, 2022 | Recording | Slides

NASCSP and the program staff from the U.S. Department of Labor conducted a training webinar on Davis Bacon compliance as it relates to Multifamily units in the BIL.

An overview of the Davis-Bacon Act is provided along with compliance requirements for the Grantee.

Presenters: Nicole Collins and Meghan Vesper, U.S. Department of Labor; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

DOE BIL Planning and BIL Workbook Training Webinar

July 19, 2022  Slides | Recording | Poll Summary

The U.S. Department of Energy conducted a training webinar of the $3.5B in BIL funding. The training focused on the BIL implementation overview, the phased release of funds and corresponding requirements, considerations for BIL planning and an overview of the BIL Planning Workbook. NASCSP facilitated question and answers with DOE following the presentation.

Presenters: Katherine Kujawski, DOE; Erica Burrin, DOE; Andrea Schroer, NASCSP

Audience: WAP Grantees

WPN BIL 22-1, 22-2 Training Webinar

April 20,2022 | Slides | Recording

NASCSP in partnership with DOE conducted a training on the WPN BIL 22-1 and WPN 22-2 which provided instruction for the application requirements for the $3.5B in BIL funding. NASCSP reviewed the BIL application timeline and collected questions from the membership which DOE answered live during the training.

Presenters: Jonathan Ballew, NASCSP;  Erica Burrin, Derek Schroeder, and Floris Weston, DOE.

Audience: State WAP Managers and Subgrantees