Author: Ian Gray

A Year in Review - NASCSP 2020

December 31, 2020

As 2020 comes to a close, we have the opportunity to take the lessons from a truly unprecedented year and apply them as we look towards the future. We would like to take some time this holiday season to reflect on the past year and all that we in the CSBG and WAP Networks have accomplished together. Though we weren’t able to meet in person for much of this year, we were able to connect in new

Category : Uncategorized

Presidential Transitions: Both for NASCSP and the Nation

November 16, 2020

Board President Beverly Buchanan & Outgoing Board President Willie Fobbs Willie – Two months before the United States’ 2020 General Election, the NASCSP board held our own elections. Now that both of those elections have passed and the transitions have begun, I am incredibly happy to welcome Ms. Beverly Buchanan as the new NASCSP Board President. Every transition has an element

Category : Uncategorized

Happy Virtual Weatherization Day from NASCSP!

October 30, 2020

During a year that has contained so much unpredictability, two things are certain: October 30th is still Weatherization Day, and Weatherization program managers, directors, state and local agency staff, contractors and retrofitting crews all deserve gratitude and congratulations for adapting to recent difficult conditions. To the many people listed above, as well as to anyone who lives in a

Category : Weatherization

2019 Poverty Census Data & COVID Impacts

September 22, 2020

Yesterday morning the U.S. Census Bureau released its latest data on poverty, income, and health insurance coverage. The results showed that between 2018 and 2019, incomes increased, the official poverty rate declined slightly, and more people became uninsured. This data was gathered before the COVID-19 pandemic and therefore doesn’t reflect the situation for many families today. Rather, it

Category : CSBG, Poverty

The Weatherization Assistance Program: Resilient, Innovative, and Adaptive

August 14, 2020

From its founding in the precarious 1970s through its expansion during the 2008 Housing Crisis and into the present, the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) has known many changes. As it enters

Category : Weatherization
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