Year: 2018
CSBG IS and Annual Report Submission
It’s that time of year to think about submitting the CSBG IS Report! The submission of the FY 2017 CSBG IS data marks the final submission of the CSBG IS Report as the network will fully transition to the new CSBG Annual Report in FY 2018. This final reporting process will be the same as last year, with states submitting Module 1 of the new Annual Report in OLDC and submitting most of the CSBG
A Look Back on Weatherization Day 2017
Each year we mark national Weatherization Day on October 30th, as part of a larger Energy Action Month. Weatherization Day is an opportunity to highlight the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) by holding events, issuing proclamations, and getting press coverage. Weatherization Day is also used to demonstrate the impact of WAP by sharing program facts and featuring clients in local