Weatherization Saves Lives

— Alice Gaston, Program Assistant, Weatherization Services–

Last year, a furnace specialist doing work for the Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency in New York State saved a homeowner’s life when he recognized the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. While installing a new water heater, Carl Harvey saw the old water heater pipe’s had been blocked, spilling deadly levels of carbon monoxide into Karen Stecker’s home. Harvey, seeing Stecker’s flu-like symptoms, suggested she seek immediate medical attention. At the doctor, Stecker was told she had near lethal levels of carbon monoxide in her blood. (See original article here.)

This is just one story of many of how weatherization workers can have a dramatic impact on the lives of the people they serve. Weatherization workers across the country have similar stories of carbon monoxide poisoning, unsafe appliances, and other health and safety hazards. Weatherized homes are not only more energy efficiency, but they are safer and healthier for the occupants.

What stories do you have of WAP having a dramatic impact on a client’s life?