Tag: Weatherization Plus Health

Working Together: Improving Homes and Health

June 29, 2020

This guest blog was written by Matthew Flyer, Construction Manager at Yachad in Washington, D.C. For the last 25 years YACHAD, which means “together” in Hebrew, has played an active role


Making a Home Healthy, Safe, & Comfortable in South Dakota

June 8, 2020

In 2018, GROW South Dakota’s weatherization team received a call from Ruth, a senior resident in need of assistance with heating her house. When the weatherization team went to her home, they


Healthy Homes Month 2019

June 12, 2019

Written by: Sophie Mariam, NASCSP Intern June is National Healthy Homes Month, an awareness campaign to emphasize the link between a safe home and the health of individuals and communities.


National Healthy Homes Month 2018

May 30, 2018

June is National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM), an initiative designed to spread awareness about the important connection between homes and the health of individuals, families, and communities. Created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH), this year’s theme is “Check Your Home: Protect Your Family.” This theme was


A Message from the NASCSP Energy Services Director: Happy Weatherization Day!

October 30, 2017

“To reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health

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