Weatherization Day 2019 Recap

November 6, 2019

For many, October means changing leaves and carving pumpkins. For the WAP network, October is also Weatherization Month, culminating in Weatherization Day on October 30th. Weatherization Day


LIHEAP and WAP: A Dynamic Duo for Reducing the Low-Income Energy Burden

August 1, 2019

Written By: Sophie Mariam, NASCSP Intern High energy costs place a significant burden on low-income families, due to the high percentage of monthly income these households spend on utility

Category : Weatherization

Communication and Cooperation: How a Simple Question Led to Greater Efficiency in Low-Income Housing

May 8, 2019

“We’re walking away from attics with R-11! It won’t pay back to get them to R-50; it’s insane!” These were the concerns of Scott Daniels, Weatherization Supervisor at the Human Resource


The 2020 Census: Engaging Hard to Count (HTC) Populations

March 5, 2019

By: Maribeth Schneber-Rhemrev, NASCSP CSBG State Assistance Deputy Director The 2020 Census may seem far off, but planning is already well underway to ensure a complete and accurate count of


Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of NASCSP: A Message from the Executive Director

October 31, 2018

Did you know that anniversary celebrations first started during medieval times when people celebrated 25 and 50 years of marriage with wreaths of silver and gold? The tradition of gold and silver

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