Tag: Community Action Month

Week 1 Mini #BeCommunityAction Toolkit

May 4, 2015

Hello! It’s the first week of Community Action Month! In addition to the great resources available from the Partnership, NASCSP and NCAF, we’ve collaborated to build mini-toolkits to help you get started with original content each week! We’ve provided sample Tweets and Facebook posts below, as well as some images for you to use. (You can print  a hard copy here!) Some of these are ready

Category : CSBG, Events

Making Good on the Promise of Community Action

August 26, 2014

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Economic Opportunity Act, Jeannie Chaffin, the Director of the federal Office of Community Services (OCS), provided an update to the nation on the exciting work of Community Action, along with other initiatives within OCS. Check it out via the link below! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUi-5TRGJkk

Category : CSBG, Events, NASCSP Updates

Reflections on a Grand Policy Experiment

May 13, 2014

-- By Gretchen Knowlton, Policy Director It’s May once again, and once again we celebrate Community Action Month and all we've accomplished as a network. This year, though, we celebrate one of those milestones that, however arbitrary, seems to carry great significance. It’s the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty and the creation of Community Action. Poverty rates remain high, and

Category : CSBG
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