ROMA Next Generation COE - July Update

The second iteration of the “White Paper on Performance Management in Community Action” has been released. This iteration features several significant updates which are highlighted in the revised executive summary. To download the paper, click here.

Voice your opinion! We want to hear from you! Join us via webinar July 25th or 26th for an interactive listening session on the following:

  1. Creating the Next Generation of ROMA (see white paper Section Two, pg. 17-19)
  2. Draft National Community Action TOC (see white paper Section One, Appendix A)
  3. Proposed changes to family and community level definitions, outcomes and measures  (see white paper Section Three and Four, Appendix E)
  4. Proposed changes for measuring the impact of CSBG funding (see white paper Section Five, Appendix E)

Please note, the first round of webinar polling and survey results will be used to frame the discussion on these webinars. To register for a webinar, click here.

Thanks in advance for your continued engagement and support. To learn more about the ROMA COE and its efforts, visit