CSBG Annual Report Module 1: State Administration Frequently Asked Questions and Highlights

OCS released a Dear Colleague Letter announcing that Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report is available in OLDC as of March 2, 2017.

NASCSP and OCS are committed to providing support and resources to States on the use of OLDC for the FY 2016 Annual Report Module 1 submissions. Check out the FAQs and Highlights below to assist you as you complete Module 1. Also, make sure you download the CSBG Annual Report Module 1 Instruction Manual.

What is Module 1 of the new CSBG Annual Report?

Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report replaces Sections A-C and parts of Section D from the CSBG Information Systems Survey (CSBG IS). It is the State Administration module of the new CSBG Annual Report and is completed by State CSBG Administrators. Reporting of Module 1 is based on the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) and includes information on State administration of CSBG funding, distribution of funds to Eligible Entities, use of State administrative funds and discretionary funds for training and technical assistance, information on Eligible Entity progress in meeting the Organizational Standards, and the State’s progress in meeting accountability measures related to State monitoring, training and technical assistance and other critical areas.

How do I report Module 1 information for FY16?

A representative of the state office reports Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report through the Office of Community Services (OCS) Online Data Collection System (OLDC). OLDC is the central, web-based reporting tool that OCS uses for other programs, the CSBG State Plan, and will use for CSBG data collection. OLDC can be accessed at https://home.grantsolutions.gov/home.

What is the timeline for completion of Module 1?

OCS released Action Transmittal 2017-01 on the Submission of Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016. This Action Transmittal notifies states that the deadline for submission of Module 1 in OLDC received a one-time extension from March 31, 2017 to April 7, 2017. The due date for submission of the CSBG IS to NASCSP is also extended to April 7, 2017.

How do I access OLDC?

If you do not already have a password to access the CSBG program in OLDC, fill out the access request form here and submit it to Niki Frazier. If you already have access to OLDC, login at https://home.grantsolutions.gov/home to report and submit Module 1.

If Module 1 replaces sections of the CSBG IS Survey, do I need to report anything in the CSBG IS Access Database?

For FFY16 and FFY17, states complete only Module 1 in OLDC. For FFY16 and FFY17, States and CSBG Eligible Entities will still complete and submit the following portions of the CSBG IS Survey in the Access Database to NASCSP:

  • Section B, Eligible Entity List
  • Section D
  • T/TA Survey
  • Sections E-G
  • NPIs

CSBG Eligible Entities will start data collection for Modules 2 – 4 of the CSBG Annual Report in FY18.  States will first enter Modules 2-4 in OLDC on March 31, 2019. Read more about the implementation of the CSBG Annual Report in CSBG IM152 and download the PowerPoint and recording from NASCSP’s webinar on the CSBG Data Submission Process for Fiscal Year 2016.

What happens to my report and what is the feedback loop?

Your State CSBG report provides a critical record of State accomplishments and progress.  Information from the annual report will be analyzed and used as appropriate by OCS for its annual CSBG Report to Congress.  OCS and its partners will also use the information from Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report, along with information from the CSBG State Plan to assess progress in meeting CSBG State Accountability Measures.

While States are developing responses to Module 1, OCS and NASCSP are available to assist grantees with both identifying and resolving issues in order to facilitate successful and timely submission of data through OLDC (please see who to contact for help).

After the report is submitted, OCS will conduct an initial review of the State’s submission of Module 1 and will follow up as necessary to ensure it is completed satisfactorily. OCS may also share this information with NASCSP for additional analysis and technical assistance as appropriate. If clarification or technical correction is needed on any items in Module 1, OCS will return the report through OLDC with specific feedback on items needing clarification or correction. OCS plans to provide any initial feedback within 60-days of receipt of annual reports. After any necessary clarifications or corrections have been received, OCS plans to conduct additional analysis working with NASCSP and with State CSBG offices directly to assess progress in addressing State Accountability Measures.

Where can I find more guidance about completing Module 1?

For information on filling out Module 1 in OLDC, visit the Instruction Manual. You can also review the slides and recordings from past Module 1 webinars:

Preparing to Complete Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report Slides | Recording

Preparing for Module 1 Submission in OLDC Slides | Recording  

Who can I contact for help?

Login Help: CSBGStates@acf.hhs.gov

Technical Assistance with OLDC:

Niki Frazier – nikita.frazier@acf.hhs.gov

Monique Alcantara – melania.alcantara@acf.hhs.gov

Answering Module 1 Questions:

Your Program Specialist – https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs/resource/csbg-staff-assignments-by-region

NASCSP Staff – Jackie Orr jorr@nascsp.org, Katy Kujawski kkujawski@nascsp.org, Lauren Cook lcook@nascsp.org

Highlights to help you complete Module 1

General Highlights:

  1. The reporting time frame for all information in Module 1 is based on the Federal Fiscal Year, which runs from October 1 of a given calendar year until September 30 of the following calendar year.
  2. OLDC will auto-populate many fields with information collected in the CSBG Model State Plan. States will update information where appropriate.
  3. Use the validate button to check for errors and to populate formulas imbedded in the forms.
  4. Use the save button frequently and every time you move from page to page. Not clicking save before you leave the page will cause all data to be lost.

Section B: Statewide Goals and Accomplishments:

Item B.2: CSBG Eligible Entity Overall Satisfaction Targets:

This section will not pre-populate in year one. States will need to provide the most recent ACSI score and the planned target for the following year. Additional information can be found in CSBG IM 150.

Item B.4 – B.6: Narratives:

These sections contain narratives that are similar to narratives reported in Section D of the CSBG IS Survey. In the first year of implementation, States are asked to complete these questions, as well as Section D in the CSBG IS Survey. The same information may be reported in both Module 1 and the CSBG IS.

Section C: CSBG Eligible Entity Update:

Item C.3: Changes to CSBG Eligible Entities List:

If there are changes in Eligible Entities, provide as much information as possible in column C.2b. Include name changes (old and new names), address changes, mergers, and de-designations. Provide all information, including DUNS numbers for new entities. States will also update Eligible Entity information in Section B of the CSBG IS Survey.

Section E: State Use of Funds:

Item E.2: Planned vs. Actual Allocation:

The reporting time frame for Section E (and all sections in Module 1) is the FFY. States must enter the CSBG fund allocations and obligations for every Eligible Entity. For allocations— States will enter the dollar amount each CSBG Eligible Entity should receive during the Federal Fiscal Year 2016 based on the State formula. This amount may include carryover from previous Federal Fiscal Years. For obligations—States will enter the actual dollar amount of funds that were committed to each CSBG Eligible Entity through contracts, grants or sub-awards during the Federal Fiscal Year 2016. This amount may include carry over from previous Federal Fiscal Years. Note, expenditures are not reported in Section E.

Section I: Results Oriented Management and Accountability:

Item I.4: State Feedback on Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting:

When completing the FY16 CSBG Annual Report, answer this question based on providing timely feedback to each CSBG Eligible Entity within 60 calendar days of submitting the State’s FY15 CSBG Annual Report (the previous year’s CSBG IS Report). Feedback should include comments on CSBG Eligible Entities progress in meeting the goals they identified, if the data is accurate and sufficient to support progress reports, and if the Eligible Entity has demonstrated analysis and use of data for decision making.