Category: WAP
HHS Releases 2020 LIHEAP Funds
On Friday, the Office of Community Services (OCS) within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced the release of approximately $3.32 billion of Federal Fiscal Year (FY)
READ MORESenate Passes Continuing Resolution
Today the Senate passed a Continuing Resolution by an 82-15 vote, averting a shutdown and extending government funding through November 21st. The House passed the Continuing Resolution late last
READ MOREFY 2020 Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill Released
Today the Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee released the text of its FY 2020 appropriations bill. The Labor-HHS bill contains the funding numbers for the Community Services Block Grant
READ MORESenate FY 2020 WAP Number Released
Yesterday the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee held a mark up of its appropriations bill and this morning they released the text of the bill. The Senate recommends $300 million for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) for FY 2020. This is an increase of $43 million over the enacted FY 2019 level of $257 million. This is also $10 million more than the level of $290
READ MOREHouse FY 2020 Weatherization Appropriations
FY 2020 WAP Appropriations Today the House Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee released its draft FY 2020 appropriations bill which contains the funding levels for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and State Energy Program (SEP). The House bill contains increases for both programs: WAP- The committee provides $290 million for WAP in FY 2020. This is an increase of $33