Success Story Title
Give your post an engaging title to grab attention of readers
Introduction (Frame your story and set the stage for the rest of the post)
Suggestions: Describe the issue that the program is tackling and how the program came about OR describe old practice and reasons for developing something new OR describe what the client’s needs were, their background, family situation, etc.
Body (The“meat” of your story. Give some deeper discussion to the issue in this section. Consider adding hyperlinks if you reference data, specific organizations, etc.)
Suggestions: Describe how the program identified the need for action and proceeded to create change OR how a new practice was implemented OR What services did the client receive? What was their experience with CSBG or WAP like?
Follow up (Wrap up the blog post and leave the reader with a final conclusion/impact)
Suggestions: What was the outcome? Can you share early results? Has the program expanded? How has the practice made a lasting impact? Who can be contacted to learn more? What is the client’s situation now? How has CSBG or WAP made a lasting impact?
Did the suggested format above not fit your particular story? Paste your full story here.
NASCSP will work with you to polish the story for sharing on social media, etc.
Paste links to any videos here (if applicable)
Videos can amplify a story's message