State of Poverty Blog

Only When it is Dark Enough Can You See the Stars

Posted on September 1, 2011 Posted By

“Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.”  Martin Luther King once spoke these words and his statement speaks to my sentiment at this moment. The Tonko/Bass Amendment to the 2012...

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Words from our President: NASCSP’s True Colors

Posted on September 1, 2011 Posted By

A recent episode of The Colbert Report poked fun at gas company, Talisman Energy’s latest public relations efforts to “greenwash,” as Stephen Colbert put it, hydraulic fracturing (fracking). In...

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You Can Eat it, But you Can’t Frost it!

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

(Disclaimer: This math story is not essential to any legislative or policy discussion, nor do we make any claims as to its value in helping with your CSBG Data report. However, it may provide some...

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NASCSP Goes to the National Healthy Homes Conference

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

The National Healthy Homes Conference, held in Denver, CO June 20-23, was a resounding success. Sponsored by several federal agencies and planned with a number of public, private, and non-profit...

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WAP Corner: Telling the Story of Weatherization

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

As the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) moves into the post-Recovery Act era, telling its story is more important than ever.  To maintain funding levels and staffing, the network needs to...

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Spotlight on Weatherization Plus Health Regional Conference

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Plus Health initiative is a national effort to comprehensively and strategically coordinate resources to improve the energy efficiency, health,...

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CSBG Data Corner: Have We Recovered?

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) infused billions of dollars into hundreds of federal programs to create jobs and stimulate the economy. The Community Services Block...

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CSBG Success in Nevada: Geothermal Industry Job Training

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

In order to meet a growing need in the geothermal industry, Churchill County Social Services, a CSBG eligible entity in western Nevada, offered a job training program designed to prepare individuals...

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Legislative Update

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

Congress is going through the motions of governing. Meetings and hearings and many floor speeches filled with political rhetoric are taking place. Still everybody knows nothing really is going to...

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We Live in a Free Country—We Are Also Free to be Ignorant

Posted on August 26, 2011 Posted By

Independence Day is upon us. This is our time to reflect upon this remarkable experience called the United States of America. There is no place like it in the world. Through the years, despite our...

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