State Office ROMA Professional Peer Group

The State Office ROMA Professional Peer Group is the cohort of Nationally Certified ROMA Trainers and Implementers within State Offices. This group provides a place for State Office ROMA professionals to:

  • Discuss the role of the ROMA Professional in State Offices
    • How NCRPs at state offices are using their knowledge to implement ROMA – both at their own office and with local agencies
  • Help define the role of a ROMA Implementer in a CAA
    • How can the state office support the NCRPs and ROMA at the local level?
  • Develop tools and resources for you and your peers to use to
    • Help local agencies improve ROMA implementation and Org Standards

The State Office ROMA Professional Peer Group is open to all State Office staff who are either a Nationally Certified ROMA Trainer or Implementer. The group has a virtual meeting quarterly. Questions about the group? Contact Lauren at