Category: Events

Gearing up for Weatherization Day 2015?

September 9, 2015

Weatherization Day is on October 30th, just a few short weeks away! Now is the time to request proclamations from your Governor's office, urge sub-grantees to hold events, celebrate effective practices, draft press releases in advance, pull together data to reflect your successes, start planning some great #WxDayOct30 tweets, and think about other ways to recognize the day in your state. The past


Reflections on a Powerful Community Action Convention

August 31, 2015

By Rae Tamblyn, Research and Communications Analyst, NASCSP   NASCSP was so pleased to be part of the CAP 2015 Annual Convention. What a powerful conference! The energy and passion was practically electric as the welcoming session unfolded. Robert Garcia of ACF, and Jeannie Chaffin, Director of OCS, welcomed us all along with representatives from our host region. Head Start Director Dr.

Category : CSBG, Events

Words From Our President: Reflections on a Powerful 2015 Community Action Month

June 1, 2015

I’m delighted to have the opportunity to wrap up and reflect on this year’s National Community Action Month! There has been such an incredible outpouring of activity and energy from the states, local community action agencies, state associations, and national partners. Between the collaborative mini-toolkits from NASCSP, NCAF, and the Partnership and the inspiring posts from around the


Florida CAHSD Veterans Services Program is committed to helping veterans gain access to opportunities and assets

May 14, 2015

Edited by Rae Tamblyn, in conjunction by CAHSD staff  Picture this! You’re a Vietnam #Veteran who served in the United States Army from 1963-1975 and completed two tours in Vietnam. You return home and are diagnosed with Leukemia and Type II diabetes. You apply for disability benefits and the Army deems your condition secondary to your exposure to Agent Orange. Your benefits are approved,

Category : Events, CSBG

Week 2 Mini #BeCommunityAction Toolkit

May 11, 2015

Hello! It’s the second week of Community Action Month! In addition to the great resources available from the Partnership, NASCSP and NCAF, we’ve collaborated to build mini-toolkits to help you

Category : CSBG, Events
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