CSBG Resource Bank: Community Land Trusts Help Homeowners Keep Their Homes

April 5, 2013

-- Ken Ackerman, Virtual CAP Project Manager, Virginia Community Action Partnership -- Bringing down the cost of housing is one of the best ways to help low-to-moderate income families gain a foothold on economic security.  A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a model that can be used to reduce the initial housing cost to prospective buyers, while also helping maintain affordability of the house

Category : CSBG

Legislative Update: March Ends In a Roar for Weatherization Assistance Program

April 2, 2013

– Brad Penney, General Counsel, NASCSP and Bob Scott, Director, Energy Services, NASCSP – This year, as the saying goes, March went out like a lion -- at least on Capitol Hill. The last five days of March were good ones for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Disappointed as we were by the refusal of the Appropriations Committees to accept the Administration’s request for


Legislative Update: Heaving the Weatherization Assistance Boulder over the Hill

March 23, 2013

– Bob Scott, Director, Energy Services, NASCSP and Brad Penney, General Counsel, NASCSP – Sometimes getting anything done in Washington feels like trying to push a giant boulder over a hill. In this case, over Capitol Hill. All you can do is keep pushing, year after year. When, suddenly, you reach the top the boulder starts picking up speed on its own. The trick is to not give up pushing,


2013 NASCSP Mid-Winter Conference Award Winners

March 19, 2013

-- Payten Carroll, Communications Assistant, NASCSP -- Every year at the Mid-Winter Conference, NASCSP takes time to recognize select members that go above and beyond the call of duty to make

Category : NASCSP Updates

In Focus: American Winter

March 14, 2013

This documentary is a must see for those in the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Network. American Winter tells the interwoven stories of eight

Category : Videos, NASCSP Updates
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