Census Poverty Data Released: Economic Crisis Hits the Poor the Hardest

October 4, 2011

On September 13, 2011 the Census Bureau released their annual  Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States report detailing the latest poverty data and statistics from the Current Population Survey. The number of people in poverty has risen to 46.2 million—the largest number in the 52 years for which poverty estimates have been pub-lished. The official poverty rate rose

Category : Newsletter, CSBG

CSBG Data Corner: CSBG Data Wheel

October 4, 2011

As the fight to keep CSBG at an adequate funding level continues, NASCSP wants to be sure all our members and supporters have the most up-to-date information regarding the success of CSBG. In mid-September all CSBG members should  have  received  the  2010  CSBG  Annual  Report  and Highlights via mail. We also sent them to State CAA Associations, partners, governors, and key

Category : CSBG

CSBG Spotlight: Innovative Childcare Program at Oregon CAA

October 4, 2011

Innovative Childcare Program at Oregon CAA Helps a Community Play, Share, and Grow We know from extensive research studies that low-income families with children often face additional challenges and obstacles in becoming economically stable, compared to those without children. One of the premiere challenges that these families face is finding affordable and quality childcare. Lack of proper

Category : CSBG, Newsletter

September Legislative Update

October 4, 2011

Well it’s ‘Ground Hog Day” all over again. A government shutdown at the end of this week, (Sept. 30) is likely averted with Senate passage of a Continuing Resolution (CR) that the House is expected to pass soon. The deal will do little to end the partisan fighting over fiscal 2012 spending, however. The Senate bill is considered a “clean” CR that will fund the government through Oct. 4


Words from our President: Zen and the Art of Partnership

October 4, 2011

I’ve just returned to the State office after hosting NASCSP’s latest annual Fall Conference here in Washington State in (sunny!) Seattle - home of all things green, crunchy, and caffeinated. We took in so much so fast, that now I need a little Zen to recover. We learned innovative ways to foster creativity in our organizations and communities (think artistic community commons for art and

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