Category: Uncategorized

Celebrating Women in Weatherization - Michele York

May 14, 2024

Michele York – BIL Program Specialist, New Hampshire How did you first get interested and involved in weatherization? I have always loved the idea of solar and wind. I joined the Loudon Alternative Energy Committee (L.A.E.C.) as soon as it was formed so I could learn more about all the ways we can help our town save money and the environment. We started small by putting in LED

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Celebrating Women in Weatherization - Jennifer Lewis

April 30, 2024

Jennifer Lewis – Sr. Weatherization Programs and Evaluation Manager, Washington How did you first get interested and involved in weatherization? I was a 2009 ARRA hire as an Energy Auditor for a large CAP agency in Chicago, CEDA. I had never heard of weatherization, but I saw "helping families" and "energy efficiency" and I was sold! Soon after I was BPI certified as a QCI Inspector and

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Celebrating Women in Weatherization - Molly Carmichael

April 16, 2024

Molly Carmichael – Administrative and Billing Coordinator, Missouri How did you first get interested and involved in weatherization? I actually stumbled into the position. I didn't know much about it and found a listing for Intake/Outreach and thought it would be interesting. I looked up what Weatherization was and said I'll give it a try; this seems like an awesome and fantastic program to

Category : Uncategorized

Celebrating Women in Weatherization - Fanni Azueta

April 2, 2024

Fanni Azueta – Energy Services Manager, California How did you first get interested and involved in weatherization? "I initially ventured into weatherization seeking a more stimulating role beyond my routine tasks. The weatherization manager recognized my potential and graciously mentored me, sparking my journey in this field." Tell us about your current and past roles in

Category : Uncategorized

The Positive Impact of Fair Wages: Supporting the Weatherization Workforce

November 2, 2023

In the fight against poverty, the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) plays a pivotal role in improving energy efficiency and transforming lives through its dedicated workforce. Behind every successful weatherization program is a team of skilled professionals making a difference. In this blog, we explore how minimum wages in WAP attract and retain top talent, empowering weatherization

Category : Uncategorized
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