Category: NASCSP Updates

It's Over - For Now . . .

October 17, 2013

- By Brad Penney, General Counsel - As I am sure you know, early this morning the President signed legislation reopening the federal government and funding it through January 15th as well as extending the debt ceiling until February 7, 2014. The funding is set at the House Republican-backed level of $986 billion, with a continuation of sequestration. This means that, for the next 90 days,


CSBG Legislative Update: Shutdown Edition Part II

October 10, 2013

By Brad Penney, General Counsel The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) program does not face the threats we outlined in yesterday's post about the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Under the provisions of a Continuing Resolution (CR), CSBG will benefit by receiving funding at the current level, minus sequestration - probably a cut in the range of 7%. Ironically, the budget impasse


WAP Legislative Update: Shutdown Edition

October 9, 2013

We need your help!  Now is the time to reach out to Congress, and let Members know that the gridlock of the budget process is hurting programs like the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) that benefit struggling low-income Americans. Our message is clear and simple: WAP is tied to an unrealistic funding level of $68M, a carryover from the FY 12 Continuing Resolution, which is not enough to


WAP Legislative Update and We Need Your Help

August 16, 2013

We need your help! WAP faces severe funding threats – help us engage with utility and business partners to get their support with legislators on Capitol Hill. Join us on Advocacy Days and put us in touch with your networks. We can’t do it without you! As you know, we have a huge mountain to climb to save the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) as we approach the beginning of the new 2014


Weatherization: Full Speed Ahead

June 28, 2013

Brad Penney --General Counsel, NASCSP-- Events come at us so quickly these days that it’s often hard to see the “big picture.” When I got home last night, I got to thinking about what this week has meant for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP): The week started with the release of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for WAP for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 at $137.9

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