Category: Weatherization

E&E News: Sequester Could Kill Weatherization Program - DOE Official

February 7, 2013

-- Originally published in E&E News - written by Nick Juliano, E&E reporter -- Looming across-the-board spending cuts could doom a Department of Energy program that provides grants to install new windows, upgrade insulation and perform other energy efficiency projects for low-income homeowners, a top official said yesterday. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's


EVENT SUMMARY: Strategy for Action to Advance Healthy Housing

February 5, 2013

-- Re-posted from the Weatherization Plus Health blog -- On Monday, February 4th, the federal Healthy Homes Work Group (HHWG) held an event at the National Building Museum to launch the new Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action. The Strategy lays out the goals and priorities of the HHWG to advance healthy housing initiatives for the next three to five years nationwide. The event also


Weatherization Saves Lives

January 11, 2013

-- Alice Gaston, Program Assistant, Weatherization Services-- Last year, a furnace specialist doing work for the Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency in New York State saved a homeowner’s life when he recognized the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. While installing a new water heater, Carl Harvey saw the old water heater pipe’s had been blocked, spilling deadly levels of carbon


37 Senators Sign onto WAP Letter – the Most Ever!

December 18, 2012

Last month, NASCSP and Advocates for The Other America (AFTOA) worked with partners to circulate a letter in the Senate asking President Obama to restore WAP funding to no less than $210 million for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 as well as continue funding the State Energy Program (SEP) at $50 million. The text of the letter can be seen below. The letter was a tremendous success, with 37 Senators


The National Consumer Law Center's Report Lauds WAP ARRA

December 4, 2012

The below excerpt is reprinted with permission from the National Consumer Law Center's report "Low Income Weatherization: Stimulus-Funded Program Shines but Storm Clouds are on the Horizon."  Executive Summary On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), commonly known as the Federal Stimulus or Recovery Act. The President

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