Category: CSBG
CSBG Data Corner: Homelessness on the Decline and CSBG Helped!
- by Tabitha Beck, Research Director - The Atlantic and USA Today recently discussed the quiet decline of homelessness since 2005. We took a look at the CSBG data alongside the national homelessness data from the 2012 National Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness. The national trend is reflected in the number of homeless served by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Network. The CSBG
We Want YOU! Help Shape the Next Generation of ROMA
The ROMA COE wants your knowledge and your voice to shape the Next Generation of ROMA! The COE is offering webinars to dive deeply into the various aspects of the White Paper, now that several options for moving forward have been refined based on Network feedback. Join the COE for topical webinars to further discuss how the CSBG Network measures family and community outcomes, the use of CSBG
Breaking: WAP Reauthorization Bill Filed in the Senate
Alice Gaston --Program Assistant, Energy Services-- NASCSP learned that the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) reauthorization was filed today as an amendment to the Shaheen-Portman Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act being considered in the Senate. The current authorization for WAP expired September 30, 2012. NASCSP has been working since then on a reauthorization bill,
Who Are You?
-- by Tabitha Beck and Jovita Tolbert -- Community Action was created in 1964 to address the conditions of poverty. And yet, here we are in 2013 heading toward poverty rates upwards of 15%. Have we failed? But wait, you say, is our Network solely responsible for the economic winds that affect poverty levels in America? Regardless of how you respond to that question, it’s time for a little
The ROMA COE is looking for volunteers to serve on committees that will give in depth consideration to the following: Proposed changes to family level definitions outcomes and measures, Proposed changes to community level definitions outcomes, and Proposed reporting changes to measures the impact of CSBG funding. Interested in serving on one or more of these committees? Please email