Category: CSBG

"The weatherization program was life-changing for me. It inspired me to pay it forward and help others live lives of hope and dignity."

October 5, 2016

By: Kelly Fonteijn My name is Kelly Fonteijn. I live in Pullman, WA with my husband and our seven- and nine-year old kids. Together we run a campus ministry at Washington State University. My home


Poverty Reduction in 2015: A Network Behind the Numbers

September 16, 2016

On Tuesday this week, the U.S. Census bureau released its annual report on income, poverty, and health insurance in the U.S. The results were encouraging – namely a significant drop in the poverty rate between 2014 and 2015. The CSBG network has been on the forefront of efforts to combat poverty and will be critical going forward as the data reveals that there is still more work to be

Category : CSBG

Toolkit #3- Energy Action Month & Weatherization Day in October

September 12, 2016

September is here! That means we are rapidly approaching Energy Action Month (October) and Weatherization Day (Oct. 30th)! Continue to let us know what you are doing for Weatherization Day or to


Frequently Asked Questions: ROMA Next Generation/CSBG Annual Report Part 3: Module 3: Community Level

September 1, 2016

OCS and NASCSP are in the process of reviewing the comments submitted during the 60-day comment period and are looking forward to incorporating suggestions into the CSBG Annual Report. During the comment period many good questions were raised about ROMA Next Generation (NG) and the CSBG Annual Report. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions and will cover these questions in three

Category : CSBG

Frequently Asked Questions: ROMA Next Generation/CSBG Annual Report Part 2: Module 4: Individual and Family Level

August 30, 2016

OCS and NASCSP are in the process of reviewing the comments submitted during the 60-day comment period and are looking forward to incorporating suggestions into the CSBG Annual Report. During the comment period many good questions were raised about ROMA Next Generation (NG) and the CSBG Annual Report. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions will cover these questions in three

Category : CSBG
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