State of Poverty Blog

CSBG Data Corner: CSBG Data Wheels

Posted on November 16, 2011 Posted By

by Tabitha Beck As the fight to keep CSBG at an adequate funding level continues, NASCSP wants to be sure our members and supporters have the most up-to-date information regarding the success of...

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CSBG Corner: Coordinating Community Response in Arizona

Posted on November 16, 2011 Posted By

Edited by Eric Stam Community Action Agencies often serve as important centers of coordination and service integration when a community takes action. In Arizona, during the summer of 2010, intense...

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Legislative Update

Posted on November 16, 2011 Posted By

By: Arley Johnson Capitol Hill is filled with anticipation to see what suggestions the joint deficit reduction “Super” committee comes up with in negotiations to address our budget and deficit...

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Can We Cure the Toxicity in our Body Politic?

Posted on November 16, 2011 Posted By

by Arley Johnson Every month for the past couple of years, I’ve been hoping to report that Congress and the Administration had finally put aside the bizarre petty partisan squabbles we’ve had to...

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Words from our President: Painting a Pathway to Opportunity

Posted on November 16, 2011 Posted By

By Steve Payne The White House recently released Creating Pathways to Opportunity, a report that outlines what “Pathways Back to Work” (job creation and training in new industries) the...

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Leveraging Success Story: Michigan

Posted on October 4, 2011 Posted By

As the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) reaches the end of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) period on March 31, 2012, States and local agencies are looking to the...

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WAP Corner: High Tech Facility Trains WAP Worker

Posted on October 4, 2011 Posted By

The New River Center for Energy Research and Training (NRCERT) has been providing in-depth training on weatherization methodology since 1999. In 2009, NRCERT was awarded an American Recovery and...

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Address Economic Opportunity and Keep Community Action

Posted on October 4, 2011 Posted By

Times are tough, and it’s particularly hard for those in poverty. Today in Minnesota 10.9 percent (USDA) of the population is living in poverty, up from 7.9 percent 10 years ago. Even though...

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Census Poverty Data Released: Economic Crisis Hits the Poor the Hardest

Posted on October 4, 2011 Posted By

On September 13, 2011 the Census Bureau released their annual  Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States report detailing the latest poverty data and statistics from the...

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CSBG Data Corner: CSBG Data Wheel

Posted on October 4, 2011 Posted By

As the fight to keep CSBG at an adequate funding level continues, NASCSP wants to be sure all our members and supporters have the most up-to-date information regarding the success of CSBG. In...

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