State of Poverty Blog

EVENT SUMMARY: Strategy for Action to Advance Healthy Housing

Posted on February 5, 2013 Posted By

— Re-posted from the Weatherization Plus Health blog — On Monday, February 4th, the federal Healthy Homes Work Group (HHWG) held an event at the National Building Museum to launch the new...

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CSBG Data Corner: Database Diagnostics

Posted on January 31, 2013 Posted By

— By Tabitha Beck, Research Director, CSBG, NASCSP — Every State CSBG staff person who works with the FY2012 CSBG IS Survey Access Database should be familiar with several new review...

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Poverty Politics: Senator Harkin to Retire in 2014

Posted on January 29, 2013 Posted By

On Saturday, Senator Tom Harkin (IA) announced his decision to not seek re-election for his U.S. Senate seat in 2014. Senator Harkin received the NASCSP Appreciation Award in 2011 for his...

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Weatherization Plus Health: January is National Radon Action Month

Posted on January 24, 2013 Posted By

— Ryan Ward, Research Analyst, Weatherization Plus Health, NASCSP —  Radon is a dangerous gas that is imperceptible to sight, smell or taste. It is the second leading cause for lung...

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POLITICO: Poverty Gets More Attention in Obama’s 2nd Inaugural Address

Posted on January 22, 2013 Posted By

–Originally posted on POLITICO 44 and authored by Josh Gerstein, White House reporter for POLITCO– President Barack Obama, who has drawn criticism from liberals for paying too little...

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NASCSP’s Response to the Administration

Posted on January 17, 2013 Posted By

–Timothy R. Warfield, Executive Director, NASCSP– Earlier this week, I outlined the Administration’s expectations for a 21st Century anti-poverty program and noted that they’re asking...

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The Administration, CSBG, and the Next Four Years

Posted on January 14, 2013 Posted By

–Timothy R. Warfield, Executive Director, NASCSP– As we approach the second inauguration of President Obama and head into a critically important year for the Community Services Block...

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Weatherization Saves Lives

Posted on January 11, 2013 Posted By

— Alice Gaston, Program Assistant, Weatherization Services– Last year, a furnace specialist doing work for the Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency in New York State saved a...

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Legislative Update: Fiscal Cliff Impact on WAP and CSBG

Posted on January 3, 2013 Posted By

— By the Advocates for the Other America — On January 1st, Congress narrowly averted going over the “fiscal cliff” by reaching a compromise on spending and tax increases. The final...

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CSBG Data Corner: Narratives are Data, Too!

Posted on December 26, 2012 Posted By

— By Tabitha Beck, Research Director — Numbers are fun (at least I think so)! But we cannot rely on numbers alone to tell a complete story. Reporting the outcomes of CSBG and Community...

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