Author: rtamblyn

Reflections on a Powerful Community Action Convention

August 31, 2015

By Rae Tamblyn, Research and Communications Analyst, NASCSP   NASCSP was so pleased to be part of the CAP 2015 Annual Convention. What a powerful conference! The energy and passion was practically electric as the welcoming session unfolded. Robert Garcia of ACF, and Jeannie Chaffin, Director of OCS, welcomed us all along with representatives from our host region. Head Start Director Dr.

Category : CSBG, Events

Community Action Agencies Collaborate with Clients and Community to Respond to Affordable Housing Crisis

July 31, 2015

-- by Quinton Young, Program Assistant --   The affordable housing crisis facing the nation is rapidly spiraling out of control. Given the large income disparities facing families and individuals across the country, more and more people are facing skyrocketing housing prices and a stagnant wage. Affordable housing plays a large role in the ability of low-income families to move towards a

Category : CSBG

Community Action Agency Empowers Teens to Envision Their Future through Reality Enrichment and Life Lessons Simulations

May 27, 2015

Being a teenager is a critical period of time that plays a huge role in influencing and shaping a young adult’s path towards self-sufficiency. Many teenagers face different life choices and experiences that will dramatically and directly affect their future, but some teens might not be aware of the consequences. Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation is determined to make sure teenagers in

Category : CSBG

Week 4 Mini #BeCommunityAction Toolkit

May 26, 2015

Hello! It’s the fourth and final week of Community Action Month! In addition to the great resources available from the Partnership, NASCSP and NCAF, we continue to collaborate and build mini-toolkits to help you get started with original content each week! Don’t forget to check out our Storify for a recap of Weeks One, Two and Three, and this Storify from the Partnership too! Once

Category : CSBG

Week 3 Mini #BeCommunityAction Toolkit

May 18, 2015

Hello! It’s the third week of Community Action Month! In addition to the great resources available from the Partnership, NASCSP and NCAF, we continue to collaborate and build mini-toolkits to help you get started with original content each week! Don't forget to check out our Storify for a recap of Weeks One and Two!  Here’s to a great week 3! We've provided sample Tweets and Facebook

Category : CSBG
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