Author: nascspstaff

CSBG Data Corner: CSBG IS Data Awards

September 12, 2012

By Tabitha Beck, Director of Research, NASCSP We at NASCSP understand and appreciate the dedication, time and effort that States, state associations, and local eligible entities put into providing data via the CSBG IS Survey every year. Thanks to your timely submissions and quick responses to follow-up questions, we were able to produce the 2012 CSBG Annual Report earlier than ever this year!

Category : CSBG

Keeping an Eye on U.S. Environmental Sustainability: An Energy and Climate Policy Update

August 24, 2012

-- Edited by Jovita A. Tolbert, Development Director, National Alliance for Sustainable Communities -- Romney Releases Energy Plan. Romney says his newly released energy plan will help North America

Category : Policy Updates

Paying for What Works: NASC and the Center for American Progress Talk SIBs

August 23, 2012

-- Jovita Tolbert, Development Director of the National Alliance for Sustainable Communities (NASC) -- Implemented in the UK, the first Social Impact Bond (SIB) was launched by Social Finance in September 2010. Today, Massachusetts, New York, and Minnesota are experimenting with SIBs, or a variation of them. What’s more, the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is working with the


Only One in Seven Were Fed: How the Limited Reach of the Summer Nutrition Programs is Affecting Low-Income Children

August 3, 2012

– Gloria-Deo Agbasi, NASCSP – School’s Out, Should Lunch Be Too? School’s out and summer vacation is in full swing! Are Summer Nutrition Programs, the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), in full swing as well? Feeding low-income students should not end when school does. The need for good nutrition is never-ending. Children, who rely on NSLP

Category : CSBG

Legislative Update - July 31, 2012

July 31, 2012

Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced a rare deal with House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and President Barack Obama on a six-month continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government for the first half of FY 13. The agreement will correspond to the FY 13 funding levels agreed to in last year’s debt limit deal of $1.047 trillion. The deal will likely not be passed until

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