Author: nascspstaff

Frequently Asked Questions: ROMA Next Generation/CSBG Annual Report Part 2: Module 4: Individual and Family Level

August 30, 2016

OCS and NASCSP are in the process of reviewing the comments submitted during the 60-day comment period and are looking forward to incorporating suggestions into the CSBG Annual Report. During the comment period many good questions were raised about ROMA Next Generation (NG) and the CSBG Annual Report. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions will cover these questions in three

Category : CSBG

Frequently Asked Questions: ROMA Next Generation/CSBG Annual Report Part 1: General Questions

August 29, 2016

The 60-Day Comment Period for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Annual Report ended on Monday, August 15, 2016. We would like to thank you all for your continued engagement in this process, with particular thanks to those of you who submitted comments to the Office of Community Services (OCS) during the past two months. OCS and NASCSP are in the process of reviewing the comments and are

Category : CSBG

NASCSP’s Comments on the CSBG Annual Report

August 23, 2016

The 60-Day Comment Period for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Annual Report ended Monday, August 15, 2016. We would like to thank all of you for your continued engagement in this process, with particular thanks to those of you who submitted comments to the Office of Community Services (OCS) during the past two months. We look forward to working with OCS to review your comments and

Category : CSBG

LIHEAP and WAP- Two Sides of the Same Coin

August 15, 2016

Families with lower incomes are more vulnerable to the economic burden of high energy costs than families with higher incomes because energy represents a larger portion of their household budgets. A recent study found that on average, low-income households pay 7.2 percent of household income on utilities – more than three times the amount that higher income households pay (2.3 percent).


WAP 40 Year Anniversary-Toolkit #2

August 9, 2016

Hello WAP Network! The Weatherization Assistance Program was signed into law this week in 1976 on August 14th. The WAP is officially turning 40 years old! Utilize the resources from Toolkit #1 as

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