Author: nascspstaff

Weatherization Advocates Testify in Congressional Hearing

May 3, 2017

For Immediate Release Media Contact: Eric Behna (, 202-624-5996)   May 3, 2017- Washington D.C. – Several advocates testified before the House Energy and Water Appropriations subcommittee today in support of fiscal year 2018 funding for various federal energy efficiency programs. In March, the Trump Administration released its budget blueprint which slashed funding to


CSBG: Empowering States and Local Communities to Lead on Poverty

March 28, 2017

By: Eric Behna, Program & Policy Analyst Critics of the U.S. social safety net have often painted federal antipoverty programs as being overly proscriptive and out of touch with actual Americans in need. The Republican authored “A Better Way” antipoverty plan repeatedly emphasizes the need for state and local leadership, asserting that “state and local leaders are in the best


CSBG Annual Report Module 1: State Administration Frequently Asked Questions and Highlights

March 6, 2017

OCS released a Dear Colleague Letter announcing that Module 1 of the CSBG Annual Report is available in OLDC as of March 2, 2017. NASCSP and OCS are committed to providing support and resources to States on the use of OLDC for the FY 2016 Annual Report Module 1 submissions. Check out the FAQs and Highlights below to assist you as you complete Module 1. Also, make sure you download the CSBG

Category : CSBG

CSBG Annual Report Received OMB Clearance

February 3, 2017

The CSBG Annual Report received OMB Clearance on January 12, 2017. The new CSBG Annual Report marks the largest overhaul of CSBG data collection and reporting since the first comprehensive CSBG Information Survey (CSBG-IS) was developed in 1983. On January 20, 2017, the Office of Community Services (OCS) released CSBG IM # 152 Community Services Block Grant Annual Report which details guidance

Category : CSBG

Words from Our President: Reflections on Wrapping up 2016 and Looking Forward to 2017

January 5, 2017

I’m delighted to have the opportunity to wrap up 2016 and reflect on the accomplishments of NASCSP, our programs, and to address you, our members.  As you saw in the message from our Executive

Category : CSBG
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