Author: jbdoremus

SOTU says “expanding opportunity works.” We promote access to opportunity.

January 21, 2015

Long before the 2015 State of the Union, we, members of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Network and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Network, committed “ourselves to an economy that generates rising incomes and chances for everyone who makes the effort.” We, like President Obama, believe that expanding opportunity works. But beyond just expanding opportunity, we believe in


Making Good on the Promise of Community Action

August 26, 2014

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Economic Opportunity Act, Jeannie Chaffin, the Director of the federal Office of Community Services (OCS), provided an update to the nation on the exciting work of Community Action, along with other initiatives within OCS. Check it out via the link below!

Category : CSBG, Events, NASCSP Updates

EPA Announcement Creates Big Opportunity for Weatherization

June 3, 2014

-- Brad Penney, NASCSP General Counsel -- The National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) applauds the June 2 release of standards proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce carbon emissions under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. Yesterday’s EPA action demonstrates that the United States is prepared to take strong steps to fight global climate


CSBG Data Corner: Preliminary FY2013 Data

April 11, 2014

By Tabitha Beck, Research Director A big shout out to the entire CSBG Network for your valiant work in submitting all the CSBG Information System (IS) Survey databases by the March 31 deadline! The data are still being reviewed, but a preliminary compilation of some of the key data points shows fairly similar high-level numbers to last year. For example, roughly 15 million people were served by

Category : CSBG

Bundled Services Delivery Case Study Highlights

February 20, 2014

-- By Mary Virtue, Consultant, ROMA Center Team -- Community Action Agencies have recognized the many obstacles faced by some families as they strive for self-sufficiency.  Agencies across the country have heard from their customers and responded by bundling together many of the services families need.  This approach has been used by agencies for decades because bundled service delivery

Category : CSBG, NASCSP Updates
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