2016 NASCSP Annual Training Conference

NASCSP 2016 Annual Training Conference | Omaha, NE

The National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) held their 2016 Annual Training Conference September 28-30, in Omaha, Nebraska. Below are presentations and materials from the sessions.


Wednesday| September 28,2016 | NASCSP Annual Training Conference

CSBG: Planning and Action Roundtables  *Coming Soon*

WAP: Planning and Action Roundtables

-Notes from “QCI Issues & Lessons

-Notes from “Weatherization Plus Health & Healthy Homes

-Notes from “Questions for WAP Managers

Message from our Federal Partners


Jeannie Chaffin, Director, Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. DHHS;

AnnaMaria Garcia, Director, Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Office, U.S.

CSBG: Update from the Federal Office of Community Services


Seth Hassett, Director;

David Barrie, Financial Operations Branch Chief, Division of State Assistance, U.S. DHHS,

Josezetta Alexander, Program Specialist,

Isaac Davis, Program Specialist

WAP: Financial Training for Weatherization Program Management


Kevin Myren, CPA

Thursday| September 29, 2016| NASCSP Annual Training Conference

CSBG: State Accountability Measures – Understanding Your State’s Responsibilities


Seth Hassett,Director

Jonna Holden,Program Manager, Division of State Assistance, U.S DHHS

WAP: Federal Perspective I & II


Erica Burrin, Managing Team Lead;

Josh Olsen, Lead Policy Advisor;

Dave Rinebolt, WAP Manager, Office of Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs, U.S. DOE


CSBG: Organizational Standards and Monitoring


Adrian Angel, CSBG Grant Management Supervisor, Illinois Division of Economic Opportunity;

Katie Castern, CSBG Contract Manager, Wisconsin Department of Children and Families;

, CSBG Program Coordinator, Nebraska DHHS

CSBG: ROMA Next Generation


Jenae Bjelland, Executive Director, NASCSP;

Jeannie Chaffin, Director, Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. DHHS;

Denise Harlow, Chief Executive Officer, Community Action Partnership;

Seth Hassett, Director, Division of State Assistance, U.S DHHS;

Barbara Mooney, Director, Association of Nationally Certified ROMA Trainers

WAP: Weatherization and Renewable Energy


Ryan Harry, Weatherization Program Analyst, Colorado Governor?s Office of Energy Management and Conservation;

Joseph Pereira,Director of Low- Income Energy Services, Colorado Energy Office, NASCSP Board Secretary

CSBG: Making the ACSI Meaningful – Getting to What Matters


Sarah Grazier, CSBG Program Manager, Colorado Department of Local Affairs;

Seth Hassett, Director; Division of State Assistance, U.S. DHHS;

Kris Schoenow, Executive Director, Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity, Michigan DHHS;

Doug Wallace, CSBG Program Manager, Kansas Housing Resource Corporation

Friday| September 30, 2016| NASCSP Annual Training Conference

CSBG: Technology Talk – Helping States Help Themselves

Presenters: Rhonda Evans, Deputy Director, Connecticut Association for Community Action;

Diane Fay, CSBG Program Manager, Community Economic Opportunities Unit, Washington State Department of Commerce;

Matt Fitzgerald, Community Service Program Manager, Office of Volunteer and Community Services, Virginia Department of Social Services;

Ditzah Wooden-Wade, Assistant Director, Community Programs, Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development

WAP: How Effective is Your Sub-grantee Administrative/Program Monitoring?


Robert Garber, Energy Specialist III, Missouri Department of Economic Development;

Victoria Hui, Program Manager, Office of Community Development, Oklahoma Department of Commerce;

Amanda Rains, Weatherization Program Manager, Washington State Department of Commerce

CSBG: Performance Management – My State’s Personal Plan of Action *Coming Soon*


Jenae Bjelland; Executive Director,

Jackie Orr, CSBG State Assistance Director, NASCSP

WAP: How Effective is Your Sub-grantee Technical Monitoring?


Troy Cucchiara, Green Initiatives Manager, New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority;

Bruce Hagen, Program Manager, Division of Community Services, North Dakota Department of Commerce, NASCSP WAP Program Chair;

Hoyt O’Brien, Quality Assurance Manager, Weatherization Assistance Program, State of Wisconsin Department of Administration