Workforce Resources and Tools

2024 NASCSP Weatherization Workforce & Wage Survey

The 2024 NASCSP Weatherization Workforce & Wage Survey aimed to gather critical workforce development, recruitment, and retention data within the Weatherization Assistance Program. NASCSP is currently analyzing the responses. These insights will help craft career ladders, update best practices, enhance recruitment materials, and strengthen retention strategies.

Only Grantee WAP Managers know what information came from a particular organization. For resource development and reporting, your organization name will remain anonymous on any information shared from the survey. This ensures privacy while allowing us to compile accurate and useful data to support our workforce initiatives.

The 2024 NASCSP Weatherization Workforce & Wage Survey closed on October 31, 2024, and we are currently sorting and analyzing the data. Grantee WAP Managers have received the raw data for their networks.

Please see the resources below if you want to learn more.  

Green Workforce Connect!

Our organization has partnered with the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) to bring you Green Workforce Connect, a platform designed to connect job seekers and contractors with local training providers and employers. This platform offers resources to equip job seekers, employers, and contractors with the knowledge and tools for success. Green Workforce Connect will help you build connections and access the resources you need. Click below to start your journey to success!

The National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) conducted a Wage Survey in partnership with states to learn more about wages and workforce development in the Weatherization Assistance Program in 2021. Twenty-seven states participated in the survey, and 286 weatherization providers completed the survey. NASCSP partnered with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to perform wage survey data analysis and worked with members of the NASCSP Workforce Development Working Group to develop key takeaways and best practices for the Weatherization workforce.

Living Wage Calculator

WAP Living Wage Comparison Calculator (April 2024)

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed the WAP calculator using WAP wage survey data collected by the National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) and Living Wage Data graciously provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage Calculator (LWC; The living wage tool provides a county cost of living estimate for all counties in the lower 48 states. The device includes county-level cost estimates for housing, childcare, food, transportation, cell phone, broadband services, utilities, and miscellaneous expenses. Using the living wage data, the WAP tool provides insights into the difference between a WAP employee’s hourly wage, the county living wage, and average personal income. The average individual income represents county residents’ average income (wages, proprietors’ income, dividends, interest, rents, and government benefits). WAP employers and employees can use the calculator to help understand fair wages for an area.

Customizable Weatherization Career Exploration Presentation

Exploring WAP Careers Slidedeck User Guide

Exploring WAP Careers – Customizable Slide Deck

Weatherization Career Fliers

Weatherization Career Path Toolkit