Week 3 Mini #BeCommunityAction Toolkit

Hello! It’s the third week of Community Action Month!

In addition to the great resources available from the Partnership, NASCSP and NCAF, we continue to collaborate and build mini-toolkits to help you get started with original content each week! Don’t forget to check out our Storify for a recap of Weeks One and Two!  Here’s to a great week 3! We’ve provided sample Tweets and Facebook posts below, as well as some images for you to use.  Some of these are ready to go – just cut, paste, and post! Others we’ve built to provide a framework that’s just waiting for your data and customized information. Let’s really highlight what it means to #BeCommunityAction!

POST and GO: Twitter

This #communityaction agency in RI provides financial management to all clients receiving services ow.ly/i/aghzC #BeCommunityAction

#CommunityAction Agencies work to enable access to key supports like health care, housing, transportation, and nutrition

#CommunityAction believes low income people know best what their community needs #BeCommunityAction #MaximumFeasibleParticipation

#BeCommunityAction: Utilizing partnerships, adding the voice of the underrepresented, and coordinating efforts to fight #poverty

We value consumer input so we bring the private sector, public sector, and low income people together #TripartiteBoard #BeCommunityAction

We are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other #Promise #BeCommunityAction

Over 190,000 Organizations partner w/ CSBG Network of #CommunityAction agencies to promote family & community change #BeCommunityAction

We work for empowerment, self-sufficiency, and a stake in the community for all low income people #BeCommunityAction

#CommunityAction values both #innovation and accountability so we can fight poverty effectively #OrgStandards #BeCommunityAction [image below]BeCommunityaction info

POST and GO: Facebook

The New York Times just wrote about how pressing transportation is for those living in poverty. Over 350,000 low-income people gained access to reliable transportation and/or a driver’s license nationwide last year as a result of community action. #CommunityAction exemplifies a results-driven approach that allows communities to build thriving economies using environmentally healthy and economically sustainable solutions. CSBG funding gives local agencies the tools and flexibility to put their money towards the most pressing local needs to address today’s economic concerns, to provide services to low-income individuals, and to create a better future for struggling Americans and vulnerable communities. #BeCommunityAction

With access to affordable health care and expertise in a range of conditions, patients are able to access services quickly to receive medical care and resolve health issues, and the community as a whole benefits from its healthier residents. Nearly 400,000 low-income people obtained health care services for themselves or a family member as a result of #CommunityAction. http://bit.ly/1QPJw83  #BeCommunityAction


*remember, you have 140 characters – counting spaces!

[agency]  [are/is] committed to innovation to make our anti-#poverty movement stronger! #BeCommunityAction

[NPI 1.2 data] Low-income people obtained health care services for themselves or a family member as a result of [agency] #beCommunityAction

[agency] partners with [____] organizations to promote family & community change and ensure access to services #BeCommunityAction

[NPI 6.1 data] Senior citizens in [state, county, area] received services &  maintained an independent living situation as a result of [agency] #CommunityAction

[@your_rep], #HR1655 reauthorizes CSBG, which helps our agency serve [County/Area] http://bit.ly/1EBH7HE #BeCommunityAction


[Agency] works to ensure low-income people can access critical supports such as health care, housing, transportation, and nutrition. [Example]. #BeCommunityAction   (total post, around 100-150 words)

#‎Communityaction builds and strengthens partnerships between state, county and local governments, community residents, and businesses to assess community needs and plan for revitalization. In [state, county, area, neighborhood], [agency]…. (total post, around 100-150 words)


Created by Rae Tamblyn (NASCSP), Natalie Kramer (Community Action Partnership), and Amy Kalmbach (NCAF), in collaboration.