Health and Safety

Health and Safety measures have been an important component of the Weatherization Assistance Program since they were first added as an allowable measure in the March 4, 1993 final rule. Whenever possible within the confines of the WAP rules, measures should be taken to improve the indoor air quality and environment of the home to be weatherized. The weatherization of a dwelling, utilizing the whole house approach and diagnostic testing, includes consideration of health and safety issues such as combustion appliance safety and carbon monoxide abatement, replacement of unvented space heaters with vented ones, lead safe work practices, moisture control measures, building tightness assessments, and exhaust fans and added ventilation when necessary.

This web site provides:

  1. Health and Safety Program Guidance
  2. Best Practices for States in developing health and safety plans.
  3. Information on deferral standards for when it is appropriate to defer weatherization services due to health and safety hazards.
  4. Health and Safety Categories as outlined in Weatherization Program Guidance 11-6.
  5. Health and Safety Resources.
    Note: A template created by the Department of Energy can be found in the Resources Tab.

Weatherization agencies are encouraged to check this site often to obtain the latest information on health and safety issues.