Celebrating Careers in Weatherization - Viviana Ali Fortuno

Viviana Ali Fortuno – WAP Manager, Puerto Rico

How did you first get interested and involved in weatherization?

  • Wanted to know more about energy efficiency and how to expand the program’s reach.

Tell us about your current and past roles in weatherization.

  • Currently I’m the WAP Manager for Puerto Rico.

What is it like being a woman in weatherization? Advantages? Challenges?

  • It is a challenge in a predominantly male workforce. But just being a woman, multitasking and working under pressure are a few of the amazing attributes that contribute to getting the job done.

Why do you work in weatherization? What about your job makes you excited to go to work in the morning?

  • Impact on people’s lives and the reward of giving back to the community.

Do you have advice for other women interested in joining the weatherization field.

  • Challenge yourselves to anything you want in life. There is no limit.