Category: NASCSP Updates

Weatherization Committed to White House Initiative to Bring Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to Households Across the Country

August 24, 2015

President Obama is committed to taking responsible steps to address climate change, promote clean energy, and ensure a cleaner, more stable environment for future generations. That is why he has announced a robust set of executive actions and private sector commitments to accelerate the transition to cleaner sources of energy and cut energy waste. These actions will continue to expand


Check out the 2014 CSBG Annual Report, featuring data from over 1,000 CAAs nationwide

December 23, 2014

By Rae Tamblyn, Research and Communications Analyst at NASCSP The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is unique among federal programs in that it is the only comprehensive investment exclusively focused on reducing poverty. Other federal programs address specific challenges or factors involved in poverty but they take a piecemeal approach. In contrast, CSBG effectively uses a powerful mix of

Category : CSBG, NASCSP Updates

Making Good on the Promise of Community Action

August 26, 2014

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Economic Opportunity Act, Jeannie Chaffin, the Director of the federal Office of Community Services (OCS), provided an update to the nation on the exciting work of Community Action, along with other initiatives within OCS. Check it out via the link below!

Category : CSBG, Events, NASCSP Updates

New Beginnings for NASCSP

June 23, 2014

-- By Steve Payne, NASCSP Board President -- We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928 - May 28, 2014) As you know better than most, the recession may be over, but life is still as hard as it’s ever been for the people we serve. Hard-working families, squeezed between stagnant wages and


EPA Announcement Creates Big Opportunity for Weatherization

June 3, 2014

-- Brad Penney, NASCSP General Counsel -- The National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) applauds the June 2 release of standards proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce carbon emissions under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. Yesterday’s EPA action demonstrates that the United States is prepared to take strong steps to fight global climate

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