Category: NASCSP Updates

Legislative Update: December 2011

December 20, 2011

By Brad Penney Well it’s the last month of the year and it certainly has been a volatile legislative session. We’ve witnessed government pushed to the brink of shutting down on several occasions and, as of this writing, important legislative items dealing with unemployment compensation and tax increases on all working people hang in the balance. After skirting the possibility of a


Legislative Update

November 16, 2011

By: Arley Johnson Capitol Hill is filled with anticipation to see what suggestions the joint deficit reduction “Super” committee comes up with in negotiations to address our budget and deficit problems. Committee members have been holding intense meetings trying to finalize a plan to save at least $1.2 trillion over the next decade. Republicans outlined their plan behind closed doors last


September Legislative Update

October 4, 2011

Well it’s ‘Ground Hog Day” all over again. A government shutdown at the end of this week, (Sept. 30) is likely averted with Senate passage of a Continuing Resolution (CR) that the House is expected to pass soon. The deal will do little to end the partisan fighting over fiscal 2012 spending, however. The Senate bill is considered a “clean” CR that will fund the government through Oct. 4


Legislative Update

September 1, 2011

I hate to sound like a broken record having to again report to you that federal government is stuck in place until final decisions are made on raising the debt limit. The rhetoric on all sides of the issue has been thick, harsh and disconcerting. At times it has been confusing trying to distinguish what the key points of contention are and where the battle lines are being drawn. President Obama


Only When it is Dark Enough Can You See the Stars

September 1, 2011

“Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.”  Martin Luther King once spoke these words and his statement speaks to my sentiment at this moment. The Tonko/Bass Amendment to the 2012 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill has just failed in the House of Representatives.  This legislation would have transferred $227 million back to state and federal weatherization and local energy

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