Category: Legislative Updates

In Case You Missed It: Congress Passes Omnibus

March 26, 2018

Last week, Congress passed an FY 2018 Omnibus appropriations package. The measure passed the Senate by a margin of 65-32 and the House by a margin of 256-167. President Trump signed the legislation


Response to Budget Justification: CSBG

June 1, 2017

Last week the Trump Administration released its full budget for Fiscal Year 2018. Regrettably, this proposal cuts funding at the Department Health and Human Services (HHS) by 16.2 percent. As part of these reductions, the Administration is seeking to eliminate the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). In its “Major Savings and Reforms” document and in the HHS budget justification, the


Response to Budget Justification: WAP

June 1, 2017

Last week the Trump Administration released its full budget for Fiscal Year 2018. Regrettably, this proposal sharply cuts funding by 18 percent at the Department of Energy (DOE) and calls for the elimination of the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). In its “Major Savings and Reforms ” document and the DOE budget justification, the Administration provides its rationale behind these cuts.


Weatherization Advocates Testify in Congressional Hearing

May 3, 2017

For Immediate Release Media Contact: Eric Behna (, 202-624-5996)   May 3, 2017- Washington D.C. – Several advocates testified before the House Energy and Water Appropriations subcommittee today in support of fiscal year 2018 funding for various federal energy efficiency programs. In March, the Trump Administration released its budget blueprint which slashed funding to


CSBG: Empowering States and Local Communities to Lead on Poverty

March 28, 2017

By: Eric Behna, Program & Policy Analyst Critics of the U.S. social safety net have often painted federal antipoverty programs as being overly proscriptive and out of touch with actual Americans in need. The Republican authored “A Better Way” antipoverty plan repeatedly emphasizes the need for state and local leadership, asserting that “state and local leaders are in the best

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