Category: Weatherization

Weatherization Plus Health: Bringing WAP and Lead Poisoning Prevention Under the Same Tent

October 25, 2012

-- Ryan Ward, Research Analyst, Health Homes Initiative, NASCSP -- With National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week upon us, it is important to note that Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) providers can play a critical role in decreasing the number of childhood lead poisonings year over year. There has been great success in reducing childhood lead poisoning since the ban on the sale of lead


NASCSP Celebrates Energy Award Win for Ohio Community Action Agency

October 12, 2012

-- By Alice Gaston, Program Assistant, Energy Services, NASCSP -- Nominated by NASCSP, the Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) won the Alliance to Save Energy’s (ASE) Andromeda Award for weatherizing the entire city of Murray City, Ohio. COAD accepted the award last week at  ASE’s annual Evening with the Stars of Energy Efficiency Awards Dinner. COAD is a private,


Wx Plus Health: 2012 National Training in Philadelphia from Oct. 31 – Nov. 2, 2012

October 1, 2012

The Community Action network is a diverse one. There are multiple programs under a single agency’s roof that deal with everything from weatherization to health. Sometimes these programs operate like silos and do not strategically collaborate with one another to offer solutions for the whole home. This isn’t the most effective use of limited resources since many of these programs serve the


One Million Homes Weatherized!

September 26, 2012

By: Alice Gaston, Program Assistant, Weatherization Services NASCSP and the Community Action Partnership (CAP) are pleased to announce that September 27, 2012 marks the one millionth home weatherized under the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) since April 2009! With the huge influx of funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act), WAP


Energy Efficiency: A Bright Idea

July 16, 2012

-- by Rebecca Stewart, Program Coordinator -- These days, it seems like all anyone talks about is jobs and an ever gloomier economic outlook. It has even become a meme to respond to a question or begin a sentence with an ever-so-ironic, “well, in this economy...” Congress is mired in partisan bickering and a clear solution for how to solve the myriad very real problems facing the nation

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