Category: Energy and Green Intiatives
A Flurry of Legislative Activity for Weatherization Assistance Program
--Brad Penney, General Counsel, NASCSP-- The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) has been in the spotlight on Capitol Hill over the last month with legislative activity around funding for FY 2013 and FY 2014 really heating up. Here at NASCSP we’ve been working with our legislative allies and national partners to advocate for increased funding for the Program. It’s been a complex and
READ MOREPresident Obama's FY 2014 Budget Request for CSBG and WAP
--Alice Gaston, Program Asst., Weatherization Services & Mark Schmeissing, Senior Policy Analyst, CSBG Services-- President Obama released his Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 budget request today, nearly two months later than normal. The budget focuses on the middle class while reducing the deficit and replacing the sequester with more specific budget cuts and tax increases. You can read President
READ MORERapid Health Impact Assessment: Weatherization Plus Health in Connecticut
By Lynne Snyder, Ph.D., MPH, Consultant, Healthy Homes How can Connecticut achieve its energy goal and create positive health outcomes, while reducing potentially negative impacts on health? This week, a team led by the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) sub-grantee New Opportunities, Inc. and the Connecticut Association for Community Action (CAFCA) will release a rapid Health Impact
Legislative Update: March Ends In a Roar for Weatherization Assistance Program
– Brad Penney, General Counsel, NASCSP and Bob Scott, Director, Energy Services, NASCSP – This year, as the saying goes, March went out like a lion -- at least on Capitol Hill. The last five days of March were good ones for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Disappointed as we were by the refusal of the Appropriations Committees to accept the Administration’s request for
READ MOREE&E News: Sequester Could Kill Weatherization Program - DOE Official
-- Originally published in E&E News - written by Nick Juliano, E&E reporter -- Looming across-the-board spending cuts could doom a Department of Energy program that provides grants to install new windows, upgrade insulation and perform other energy efficiency projects for low-income homeowners, a top official said yesterday. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's