Category: CSBG
CSBG Spotlight: California CAA Helps People Go From Unemployment to Entrepreneurship
- By Eric Stam - In the current economy, many unemployed workers are choosing self-employment when jobs are not coming their way. But many would be entrepreneurs are intimidated by the process and worry about losing what little money they have to get started. In California, the Community Action Agency (CAA), Community Services and Employment Training, Inc. (CSET) manages the Microenterprise
Data Corner: 100% 2012 CSBG IS Submissions Received!
NASCSP is happy to announce that every single State submitted their FY 2011 Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Information System (IS) Survey data by the March 31, 2012 deadline! We know how much time and effort went into gathering and submitting the data, and we appreciate all the hard work this year from the CSBG Network. With their help, NASCSP can continue to show how vital the Community
Poverty Politics: CSBG Picks Up Where Welfare Failed
Jason DeParle of the New York Times wrote last week, that despite all the rhetoric, the welfare reform of the late 1990s did nothing to “end poverty as we know it.” Despite the difficult economic times of recent years, the program has demonstrated little success beyond lower enrollment numbers. As the President continues to propose cuts to the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), the same
Going Beyond Hunger; Food Insecurity in America
NASCSP is excited to announce the release of our latest issue brief, Going Beyond Hunger; Food Insecurity in America. This issue brief seeks to understand the role that food insecurity plays in low-income communities and examines how the State administered Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) network implements strategies to address the issue. The food security research is based on Healthy
Job Skills Training in Georgia Leads to Employment
Edited by Payten Carroll Recent studies find that America is beginning to come out of the recession as unemployment numbers steadily decline. In Georgia the unemployment rate has been declining since the height of the recession in September 2009. The Coastal Plain Area Economic Opportunity Authority, Inc. (Coastal Plain) contributed to improving the employment outlook in their community by