State of Poverty Blog

Opportunity in the United States

Posted on November 6, 2013 Posted By

-By Eric Stam, Senior Analyst- Where is opportunity in America? I had a chance to find out at a forum convened by Opportunity Nation and Washington Monthly on Capitol Hill this November 4th to...

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Data, Outcomes, and a Pumpkin Bagel at Half in Ten Report Release.

Posted on October 31, 2013 Posted By

–by Rae Tamblyn, Research Assistant– Earlier this week I took a break from my usual duties to attend the Half in Ten Annual Report release.  With a pumpkin bagel and a cup of coffee in...

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Timely article “Weatherization Funding Has Been Slashed” features NASCSP Staff and Board Member

Posted on October 22, 2013 Posted By

The article Weatherization Funding Has Been Slashed on’s blog Musings of an Energy Nerd highlights NASCSP’s own Bob Scott, Director of Energy Services; and Steve Payne,...

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It’s Over – For Now . . .

Posted on October 17, 2013 Posted By

– By Brad Penney, General Counsel – As I am sure you know, early this morning the President signed legislation reopening the federal government and funding it through January 15th as well...

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CSBG Legislative Update: Shutdown Edition Part II

Posted on October 10, 2013 Posted By

By Brad Penney, General Counsel The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) program does not face the threats we outlined in yesterday’s post about the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)....

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WAP Legislative Update: Shutdown Edition

Posted on October 9, 2013 Posted By

We need your help!  Now is the time to reach out to Congress, and let Members know that the gridlock of the budget process is hurting programs like the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) that...

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Weatherization Day is NOT Shut Down

Posted on October 7, 2013 Posted By

Weatherization day is October 30 – about three weeks away! As we enter the second week of a federal government shutdown, getting the word out about the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)...

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CSBG Spotlight: Leading Innovation for a Green and Healthy Tomorrow (LIGHT) in Maryland

Posted on October 1, 2013 Posted By

Edited by Raymond Thomas MapQuest.  Google. Siri. The world has made great strides in technology and at the touch of a button you can use your GPS-enabled device to direct you to almost any...

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CSBG Data Corner: Homelessness on the Decline and CSBG Helped!

Posted on September 3, 2013 Posted By

– by Tabitha Beck, Research Director – The Atlantic and USA Today recently discussed the quiet decline of homelessness since 2005. We took a look at the CSBG data alongside the national...

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WAP Legislative Update and We Need Your Help

Posted on August 16, 2013 Posted By

We need your help! WAP faces severe funding threats – help us engage with utility and business partners to get their support with legislators on Capitol Hill. Join us on Advocacy Days and put us in...

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