2013 Funding Opportunity Announcement Now Available

The 2013 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) No. DE-FOA-0000835 has been posted on FedConnect at www.fedconnect.net, and is now viewable by eligible Applicants. FedConnect is the official website for WAP FOA information, including any future modifications to the FOA.

As a courtesy, the FOA (and any future FOA modifications) is also being posted on the WAPTAC website here for viewing by interested stakeholders.

Applications are due August 21, 2013; however, Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit applications well before the deadlines.

Please note that DOE Project Officers may only answer questions related to the Grantee’s specific application submission. All other questions must be submitted to FedConnect, as indicated in the FOA under Part VII. Questions/Agency Contacts.

Funding Opportunity Announcement

Application Instruction

Reporting Subawards and Executive Compensation

WPN 13-1

WPN 13-2