NASCSP Welcomes Interim Executive Director
NASCSP is excited to welcome Jeannie Chaffin as our Interim Executive Director. Since 2017 Jeannie has provided consulting services at the local, state, and national levels. Prior to 2017 Jeannie led the Office of Community Services as a presidential appointee in the US Department of Health and Human Services,

where she managed nearly $7 billion in federal block grants and discretionary funds, including the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). Jeannie is familiar with NASCSP, having served as its senior program and policy specialist for two years and as a board member while she was the CSBG manager for the state of Missouri. Jeannie is a Certified Community Action Professional (CCAP), and lives in the Washington DC area. The Board of Directors believes Jeannie is well positioned to support the NASCSP Staff and Board as we continue to provide high-quality services to members.