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Conference Overview
The 2017 Annual Training Conference offers valuable opportunities for professionals from around the country to come together, learn, be inspired, and inspire others as they discuss strategies for meeting new challenges in improved performance, innovation, and accountability in the fight to change the face of poverty across the nation. The conference is separated into the following tracks:
- The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) track will focus on HHS CSBG initiatives. It will also highlight best practices related to anti-poverty efforts, performance management, and performance measurement. Sessions will include updates on ROMA Next Generation, Organizational Standards, State and Federal Accountability Measures, and a discussion with the Office of Community Services about their vision for the future of the Network.
- The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) track will focus on DOE WAP initiatives and grantee management issues. Sessions include updates and discussion of recent DOE WAP policy, program notices, guidance, and future direction of the program.
As a separate event, but in conjunction with the Annual Training Conference, we are excited to offer the below pre-conference training opportunity:
CSBG/WAP State Monitor's Training (September 18-19)
The State Monitor’s Training is designed to improve monitoring within the CSBG and WAP networks. The two-day training will provide an overview of a systems approach to monitoring and include an in-depth review of monitoring standards, a brief history of WAP/CSBG, the tri-partite Board, a discussion about the nature of nonprofits vs. the nature of State government, and an introduction to fund accounting, internal controls, and fiscal accountability. The training will enable participants to develop an action plan for improving their current monitoring tools and processes.