Initial Feedback Period
held an Initial Feedback Period from
March 3, 2016 ? April 13, 2016 and used
your feedback to make changes to ROMA Next Generation that reflect the
collective response of the Network.
The information received
during this Initial Feedback Period informed the CSBG Annual Report, which was
open for comment
under the
Federal Register 60-day comment period from
June 16, 2016 ? August 15, 2016.
During the Initial Feedback Period, NASCSP
heard from over 50 percent of the
community action agencies across the nation, state agencies, and state
? an
incredible number
a mark of how fully invested and engaged this network is with ROMA Next
survey results
an overview of how the survey feedback informed the revisions to the ROMA Next
Generation components for your review. Several
other supplemental
tools provided in the Initial Feedback Period can be found in our archive.