Energy Education
General Documents:
A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home / Una Breve Guía para el Moho, la Humedad y su Hogar (Spanish)
This document offers suggestions for preventing mold and eliminating moisture problems in one’s home. -
Confirmacion de Recibo del Folleto Sobre el Plomo (Confirmation of Receipt of Lead Pamphlet) (Spanish)
This document is signed by the client to confirm that they have been informed of the possibility of lead in their home and have received a pamphlet on lead safety. -
Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home / Proteja a Su Familia Contra el Plomo en el Hogar
This client education document offers fact about lead and lead safety. -
Energia y Comodidad De La Casa Movil (Energy and Comfort in Mobile Homes) (Spanish)
This document offers energy conversation tips for those living in mobile homes. -
Energia y Comodidad en el Hogar (Energy and Comfort in the Home (Spanish)
This document offers energy conservation tips for optimizing efficiency in the home.
Energy Saving Guides
To order either of the guides, download the order form here.
Energy Efficient Lighting – NEW
This document from the Home Energy Plus from Wisconsin outlines how to save energy with energy efficient lighting. -
Are your appliances and electronics wasting money? – NEW
This document from the Home Energy Plus from Wisconsin outlines energy savings through efficient appliances. -
Reduce hot water use to save energy and money – NEW
This document from the Home Energy Plus from Wisconsin outlines reducing your energy bills through conserving hot water. -
Energy Saving Actions
This document gives suggestions on how to save energy wasted on appliances. - Step-by-step Self-Help Energy Saving Guide
This document is a step-by-step manual on easy ways to save energy in the home.
State Specific Documents:
Energy Savings Checklist – (Spanish)
This checklist offers everyday measures a client can take to save energy in their home. -
Medidas De Conservacion (Ways to Save Energy) – (Spanish)
This document offers a list of measures a client can take to optimize their energy savings after Weatherization services.
Income Documentation Request – Arkansas (English and Spanish)
This document explains how to submit income qualification documents with the WAP Application. -
Acknowledgment of Mold and Mildew – Arkansas (English and Spanish)
This document is signed by the client to confirm they have been notified of the presence of mold and mildew in their home. -
Client Application- (English and Spanish)
The WAP client application form for the State of Arkansas.
- Energy Bears Coloring Book- California
This coloring book was designed to educate children on conservation measures they can take in their own home.
- Client Application- Florida
The WAP client application form for the State of Florida.
- Low Cost & No Cost Energy & Money Saving Ideas / Ideas Para Ahorrar Energia y Dinero con Pocos Gastos o Gratis- Minnesota (Spanish)
This is a money and energy savings guide offered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce.
New York
Programa de Asistencia para Climatizacion (Weatherization Assistance Program) – New York (Spanish)
This document describes services offered by the Weatherization Assistance Program, addresses frequently asked questions, and provides a list of local agency contacts.
North Dakota
Home Energy Plus 2011-2012 guide
This document is a guide to the Wisconsin Home Energy Plus program, showing eligibility guidelines and outlining the WAP in the state. -
Home Energy Plus 2011-2012 guides – Multiple Languages
Link to Spanish and Hmong versions of the Home Energy Plus Guide